
The environments for development can be many: you can organize a CI/CD system with your favorite software. The primary features of your CI/CD are: having a complete environment for

  • development for each developer, to implement something and for running unit tests

  • staging for running unit and integration tests, to check everything before release

  • production

If you want to use AWS CDK and AWS CodePipeline, you can see these repositories before to implement your version

When you add the data management in your CD cycle, you have to add the data versioning:

  • the system improved in the folder named example, it provides s3 key with branch, environment, commit and datatime

  • so you can have a complete environment for each combo of them

This is important to commit any change for the analysis step.

Run tests

cd aws-mlops/
npm install
pip3 install --upgrade -r example/requirements.txt
python3 -m unittest discover -v
# even with functional and infrastructure tests
export AWS_PROFILE=your-account
bash example/

Improve your python scripts for processing by Jupyter

cd aws-mlops/
docker run --rm -p 8888:8888 -e JUPYTER_ENABLE_LAB=yes -e AWS_PROFILE=your-account -v $HOME/.aws/credentials:/home/jovyan/.aws/credentials:ro -v "$PWD":/home/jovyan/ jupyter/datascience-notebook

You can find two ipynb files in the folder named example: they can help you to improve your code for the processing steps.

Test your python scripts

If you did never push an image on your repository, run the commands of Deploy on AWS paragraph before run the docker.

cd aws-mlops/
export AWS_PROFILE=your-account
export STAGE=development
bash example/ # and with bash example/ for all

Deploy on AWS

cd aws-mlops/
export AWS_PROFILE=your-account
export STAGE=development
bash example/

Remove on AWS

The stack has the tags necessary for being deleted itself, if you use the aws-saving. Or you can run the commands below to remove by Serverless only the environment that you want to delete:

cd aws-mlops/
export AWS_PROFILE=your-account
SLS_DEBUG=* sls remove --stage development